The Hoarder definition of accumulator is naturally used towards some destination that “stores” something, it is characterized by collecting articles or objects excessively without an apparent logical order. There is a need to save certain objects, just so that they can be used later.

Hoarder Definition

The hoarder definition begins with a behavior of keeping objects because it reminds them of a happy stage in their lives or of loved ones, they develop an attachment behavior towards the objects until they reach the point of not being able to get rid of them, they generate constant anxiety that someone else will touch them. Your things or want to get rid of them.

The objects can even become unhealthy or perhaps interfere with the order of a home, they reach a maximum point where they accumulate too much of the same, regardless of the consequence they may have from this or how this may harm their health.

Symptoms of compulsive hoarding disorder

  • Accumulating an excessive amount of objects of the same type.
  • Having constant difficulty throwing away or getting rid of things, which could be unhealthy things.
  • Having the need to keep these objects and generating anxiety when thinking about getting rid of them.
  • Generate such a mess that the rooms in the house can no longer be used and there is no space even to walk.

Consequences of compulsive hoarding disorder

  • Messy piles, such as newspapers, clothing, papers, books or other items of sentimental value to the person hoarding.
  • Objects begin to hinder the spaces where you walk and live. Rooms can no longer be used for their intended purpose, such as not being able to sleep in your bed or use hallways for walking.
  • Rubbish hoarding that creates unsanitary conditions in your home.

Compulsive hoarder

  • Emotional suffering or problems getting along in daily life, or maintaining your safety.
  • Conflict with other people who try to reduce or eliminate clutter in your home, causing problems with your family environment. Generally, these hoarding people tend to live alone.
  • Problems in relationships, social isolation and difficulties in finding work.
  • Difficulty maintaining order at home.

Children with hoarding disorder

In this case, it is important that parents actively participate in the treatment of their children. They may believe that letting their children constantly accumulate objects can avoid family fights or even satisfy their child’s anxiety, when they may be supporting and reinforcing a behavior of compulsive accumulation.

Compulsive hoarding of animals

Now, hoarding people do not always keep objects or things, they can also hoard and collect animals, these people can have from a dozen to hundreds and hundreds of animals, inside or outside their house, almost always these animals are not in excellent care and the health of both them and the person is always at risk.

Treatment of compulsive hoarding disorder

If a person who has any of these symptoms, family members or loved one’s act in time by consulting a specialist doctor, it is very likely that this disorder can be easily treated, giving a quick and safe diagnosis.

The main treatment that can be used in this case is cognitive behavioral therapy, where you learn behaviors related to order, learn to be stronger when hoarding objects and improve decision-making. We know that this disorder can harm older people more.

There are currently no medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat hoarding disorder, but in some cases, a specialist doctor can prescribe medications if you have another disorder such as depression or anxiety.

We can say that compulsive hoarder definition disorder is an illness that can alter the order of the living space, causing chaos in our home. It is an illness that can bring consequences of insecurity, and people tend to make decisions more slowly to question their own ability to throw away objects.

This disorder can affect daily life and requires professional treatment to address it properly in a quick and easy way. As long as you can see a health professional in advance, you will have better results in terms of recovery.

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